Skewered! 5 – Tenoch’s Table

Join us at Skewered V: Tenoch’s Table to learn about and celebrate Pre-Columbian Meso-America!

SCORES LINK HERE – Online Prereg deadline is 5/14

Reservationist Information
: Jill of Roxbury Mill
Address: 25119 Oak Drive, Damascus, MD 20872

Statement on Refunds: All requests for refunds/reimbursements must be made in writing to the event steward within 7 days of the event. Refunds will be issued within 30 days of receipt, pending approval of the Shire financial committee. All refunds/expenses paid by the Shire via check must be cashed within 120 days or are subject to cancellation, in accordance with Kingdom policy.

Date and Time: 05/17/2025, 9am – 6pm

Site: Izaak Walton League, Lois Green/Sligo Chapter
8711 Turkey Thicket Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Driving Directions: Turn onto Turkey Thicket Road at the entrance to the Montgomery County Service Park. Follow the paved road to the parking garage, then jog right toward the gravel road, marked with the green wood signs with yellow letters for Lois Green-Sligo Chapter IWLA. Follow the wooden green and yellow signs on the gravel road to the Lois Green Sligo Creek Izaak Walton League of America Gate. Proceed to the pavilion parking lot and park to the right of the road. We are one mile back from Snouffer School Road.

Event Steward: Helena Kassandreia (

Site details: Alcohol allowed. Dogs allowed if they are leashed, owners are responsible for cleaning up after them. Entry by gravel driveway, use caution. Additionally, the site is an active apiary for European honeybees.

Event site is fairly primitive and located in a quiet, tree- surrounded field. Site access road is gravel. All roads on site are gravel. Parking lot is in a grass field. ADA accessible port-a-john will be centrally located to supplement further away flushing toilets. Feast pavilion is accessible via gravel road/path. Pavilion is paved. Site is half level and half on a hill. Archery and thrown weapons activities are located down the grassy hill. Arts and sciences activities are on the hill but close to the level gravel road. An apiary housing European honeybees is on site at the far end of the parking area. The bees are very docile, but caution is still advised.

Feast: Mesoamerican Pre-Exchange, details below.

Gold Key: Garb will be available to borrow for any newcomers.

Event Schedule

09:00am – Gate opens, marshal activities inspections begin, Crafter’s Green setup, A&S Dropoff

10:00am – Rapier tracks begin, Crafter’s Green opens, A&S Competitions open

11:00am –

12:00pm – Break for Lunch, all activities paused

1:00pm – All activities resume

2:00pm –

3:00pm –

4:00pm – Crafter’s Green closes, A&S competitions conclude

5:00pm – Shire Folkmoot (gather to summarize the day’s activities)

6:00pm – Tear down

Lunch Feast

Main Dishes
– Achiote-rubbed Turkey two ways
– Tamales
– Fresh-made corn Tortillas
– Stewed Beans and Vegetables

Accompanied by a variety of sauces
– Āhuacatl Mole (avocado and tomato sauce)
– Sikil Pa’k (pumpkin seed sauce)
– Tomato and chili salsa
– Sauce of the common people (extremely hot chili sauce)

– Spiced drinking chocolate
– Fruits from within and beyond the empire

The menu is naturally dairy and gluten and nut free, and can accommodate vegetarians and vegans with no prior notice. If you have additional allergies (tomatoes, alliums, capsicums, etc.) please contact the feast team so we can make sure we can have food to suit your needs. Most accommodations are possible!

To contact the feast team:

Rapier Activities

Join outstanding Heavy Rapier and Cut & Thrust instructors at Skewered V: Tenoch’s Table for the day as they instruct you on a wide variety of swordsmanship skills. At the beginning of the day, you will sign up for one “track” with an instructor, and each instructor will have a set of key skills they are working on for the day. You and your classmates will together make a cohort, working with eah other and that instructor across two morning sessions of instruction, excercises, and more.

Between the two instructional sessions, you will have a brain-break with an optional whole-group body awareness and stretching session. After both classes and a lunch break, there will be a Grand Exhibition. During the Exhibition, pairs of fighters will take the field in front of the Gallery of Defense, where your Instructors will watch as you demonstrate your growth and exploration of the techniques you practiced that morning.

Wins and losses in the Exhibition are not counted, and each Instructor will be awarding a “winner” based on their own technical or study criteria. Each winner will receive a prize during our Folkmoot at the end of the day.

– Master Ffernfael of Carleon
– Master Cailin Blackwood
– Master Aeron Harper
– Master Raphael di Merisi, of the Midrealm
– THL Nyvein bat Rav Adam

Other instructors to be announced

Questions and Interested Instructors should contact Magister Ishmael Stedfast Reed at, or Michael Arden via FB Messenger.

Arts and Sciences Activities

The Crafter’s Green

Want more than static A&S displays? Wish you could meet and talk with the artisans behind the works of art? Is KASF your favorite event? Then the Crafter’s Green at Skewered might be for you!

If you practice a period art or science, we invite you to claim a stall in the Crafter’s Green and set up whatever you’re currently working on. Demonstrate your craft, interact with the populace, and share resources with other artisans! 

How to get involved: The Crafters Green is an area of Skewered where any artisan of any skill level may set up a workspace in order for them to work on their period project(s). This is NOT your typical A&S display. Artisans are encouraged to stay with their projects and actively work on them during the event. The idea is for artisans to demonstrate period techniques, discuss their methods, and give informal instruction if asked about their craft. General populace at the event are invited to visit and spend time chatting with, watching, and learning from the artisans. There are no requirements for documentation, type of project (except where limited by site) or length of time. Each project should emphasize period methods where possible and appropriate. Sign up in advance not required, but please contact the A&S Coordinator, Aurelio Vitrisoni, if you have specific concerns or requirements.

Reach out to Aurelio Vitrisoni, [] with any questions or to arrange a spot!

A&S Competition:

 Present something to Tenoch for his Table!

  • Food and Beverage Category: display something to eat or drink. Documentation should include origin, materials used, and at least one source. EZ Doc form is acceptable. Does not have to conform to Pre-Columbian Meso-America. Judging by populace choice.
  • Non-Comestible Category: display something that can’t be eaten or drunk, but that might appear elsewhere at a feast (table linens? feast gear? garb or jewelry worn by a guest? table decorations? Documentation should include origin, materials used, and at least one source. EZ Doc form is acceptable. Does not have to conform to Pre-Columbian Meso-America. Judging by populace choice.

Event Steward’s Challenge

 Present something to Tenoch for his Table, that he’s familiar with!

Display a food, beverage or other item from pre-1520 Meso-America. Entries can be entered in the main A&S competition as well. Documentation should include origin, materials used, and at least one source. EZ Doc form is acceptable. Judges will use General Atlantian A&S Rubric (

Children’s Activities

An activity for youth specifically WILL occur, details will be posted when available.

Thrown Weapons

Thrown weapons activities will be occurring, details will be posted when available.