Behold! October and November A&S

We are back at Tikvat starting this week and looking forward to seeing everyone in person again. Unless otherwise noted, classes are at Tikvat and will start at 7:30 pm.

Oct. 4 – Shire Scriptorium. Bring your scribal projects to work on.

Oct. 11 – Medieval dance with Lady Jasmin.

Oct. 18 – Scrolder making for the new crown, led by m’lord Gleep Worp and Lady Kat Zamboni. We will have cardboard and glue and some fabric. Please bring fabric if you have any to donate for this purpose.

Oct. 25 – Learn and sing a cool SCA song, led by Ollam Lanea.

Nov. 1 – Open A&S. Bring a project to work on and hang out.

Nov. 8 – Heraldry workshop with Ollam Ruaidhri

Nov. 15 – Tablet/Card Weaving, Pt. 1 – Warping, taught by Lady Helena. Bring your box loom, tablet loom, or inkle for this class and Part 1 will focus on how to read the patterns and warp up the cards. Materials needed will be posted close to the class date. We will have two weeks to finish warping before the weaving instruction at the end of the month. (Interested but do not have a loom? Please let us know in advance and we can work on getting a loaner for you.)

Nov. 22 (Thanksgiving eve) – Virtual Watch Party! We will watch two of the BBC History of Africa videos covering the Swahili Coast and the Southern Kingdoms while prepping turkey and cranberries! The Watch Party will use Synctube and the link will be posted in a way that (hopefully) does not cause me to get in trouble with FB again.

Nov. 29 – Tablet/Card Weaving, Pt. 2 – Weaving, taught by Lady Helena. Part 2 of the class will focus on how to weave, keep track of the turns, follow the pattern, etc.

There is one A&S spot left in December. What do you want to do? Do you want to teach? Let us know!

– The Shire Ministry of A&S