September A&S Schedule

September is going to be wild with A&S held in a different location each week due to High Holiday celebrations at TI.  Hang on to your seats and read the fine print! A&S begins at 7:30 pm regardless of location.

Sept. 6 – Open A&S – led by Herrin Clara Hutmacher – In person @ TI 

Sept. 13 – Discussion of the movie Agora (2010) – led by Lady Kat Zamboni. VIRTUAL @ Shire Zoom Room (see below) Agora is a fictional movie about the Greek philosopher-astronomer Hypatia of Alexandria. It stars Rachel Weisz and Oscar Isaacs.

  • If you don’t have time to watch the whole two hour movie, there is a History Buffs (like cliff’s notes) review at History Buffs: Agora

Sept. 20 – Shire biz meeting and social, no A&S. In person @ Adelaide and Ishmael’s house. PM Ishmael or Adelaide for their address. Note: this activity has a different starting time than regular, weekly A&S.

Sept. 27 – Feast and any other Milled! Prep that is needed. In person @ Lucy’s House

Let us know if you have any questions.
