A&S Activities for May and June 2022

All activities take place at our usual practice site at Tikvat Israel on Wedesday evenings from 7 – 9:30pm unless otherwise specified.

Attendees must be fully vaccinated as per site rules. Masks strongly encouraged but not required unless children 5 or under are present.

Sun, May 22 – Cheese making with Lady Leonarda at Leonarda and Lady Helena’s house. (PM Leonarda or Helena for the address)
May 25 – Largess making, week 1 of 2. There will be yarn and other supplies to make cords, hem handkerchiefs, etc. Or bring your inkle loom, lucet, or whatever else you might want to make largess for the current crown.
June 1 – Largess making, week 2 of 2. Continuation of largess making in order to complete any open projects.
Sun June 5 – Shire potluck picnic and camp Shield Wall making day at Lucy’s house, 12-4 pm
June 8 – Fun Facts about the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta was signed on June 15, 1215. Discussion about what it is and why it still matters.
June 15 – Shire Medieval Game Night with Lord Ishmael (Chess), Lord Nicolo (Cards), and m’Lord Gleep/Ralph (Mongolian). We will play games.
June 22 – How to prepare for Pennsic with Baroness Sinn (with virtual component by Lord Aurri)
June 29 – Newcomers night, lead by Lady Helena, Chatelaine, and Lady Leonarda, Deputy Chatelaine