Change of venue (9/20-10/4)

As a reminder, fighter practice and A&S nights will be held at a private residence 9/20, 9/27 and 10/4.

We are starting knit Tudor flat cap 9/20.  Supplies needed: size 4 worsted yarn and size 7 knitting needles and scissors.

Please email if you need the address.

July 8 Scribal and cooking

The Shire will be hosting an intro to scribal arts (calligraphy and illumination) at the house of the Minister of Arts and Sciences (MOAS). Also there may be a period cooking hands-on demo.

We’ll start around 11 am and keep going until people are done.

Email for the address.

July 5 Fighter Practice

Fighters of the Shire,
Due to a scheduling conflict, we are relocating fighter practice to an alternate, outdoor location just for next week (July 5th). It is a large backyard at a private residence so the address is not going to be posted publically.
A few parking spaces will be available in the driveway and there is street parking as well. Access to a bathroom will be available. Residents ask that attendees go around the house directly to the back yard rather than knocking on the front door. Look for SCA signs as you get close to the location.

For the address, please email

Shire Birthday Buffet

The shire is turning 21 this month!!! To celebrate we’re going to let someone else do the cooking. Join us for food and frivolity. We’ll start gathering at noon Sunday, April 23, but feel free to come and go as needed.

Feb 2 A&S

This week’s A&S is Feast of Fools prep at CC’s house in Wheaton. Email if you need the address.

October 6 practice

The room where we usually hold practice will be unavailable Thursday. Weather permitting, fighter practice will be outside in the parking lot. A&S is cancelled for this week.