May/June 2021 Virtual A&S Schedule

The schedule for virtual A&S activities from May through the end of June is:

  • May 5 – Flyting w/ Ollaimh Ruaidhri an Cu. If you can’t say something nice, at least say it in poetic verse. 
  • May 12 – Poetic Meter with Lord Ishmael Stedfast Reed. Ish will review poetic meter and how to get it right.
  • May 19 – Tour of the Cathedral-Mosque of Cordoba with Epy Pengelly, Armiger. Taking a break from poetry while the bards are off at war, Epy will take us on a tour of this fascinating and historic monument.
  • May 26 – Alliterative Verse with Lady Ealawynn Mæru. alias Ela expertly explains epic Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse.
  • June 2 – Music of the Troubadors with Magistra Iselda de Narbonne. Iselda will tell us all about the wonderous poetry and song of the amazing Troubadours. 
  • June 9 – Medieval Welsh Poetry with Ollam Lanea verch Kerrigan. Per Lanea, Aneirin and Taliesin in particular will be lauded as the geniuses they were. 
  • June 12 or 13 – Bonus A&S – Atlantia University discussion. Date/Time TBD!
  • June 16 – Intro to Tang Dynasty Poetry with Lady Talia de Morales. Talia will wrap up our exploration of poetic forms with a discussion of what is often considered the Golden Age of Chinese poetry.
  • June 23 – Medieval foodstuffs with Lord Aurelio Vitrisoni. Aurelio will talk/demonstrate about an aspect of medieval cuisine (to be determined when we get a bit closer to the date).
  • June 30 – Open A&S and Poetry Sharing – Come and work on whatever A&S project you have going at the time. Anyone who might have been inspired to write poetry as a result of our poetry sessions is welcome to share their creation.

All virtual meetings start at 7:30pm Eastern and will occur at our usual Google Meet (